sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

Reddit/Community: Help create a deck building guide!

Today, a fellow reddit user by the name of NetTheMan created a post to help make a deck building guide. Heres what he said:

"I'm going to attempt to build a guide for building decks, to give to people in Twitch chats, Reddit posts and anything between and more! Comment you best tip! Give your best advice! When should and shouldn't you craft cards? Anything you feel can be positive to the building of decks, give! I'll credit you, unless you don't want to be credited, then just say so. If two comments contain the same advice, the credit will go to the first commented. No guaranteed date when the doc will be available, but hopefully it'll be ready in less than a week."

Heres one of my favorite answers so far. Its a really helpful advice :)

"Here what I had before I didn't have time to go on and finish, you could probably just fill in the blanks and get a good doc. Knock yourself out.

Step One: Establishing Your Core/Win-Con
Your goal, in any CCG is to win, whether you want to win through control, aggro, or out-tempo your opponent. You can’t win by only responding to the other person’s threats – you have to push your own goal and get YOUR threats across.
The first thing you need to do is to establish a win-con, these can range from a specific card to a broader strategy. Think about it as you writing the slogan for the pre-built decks. More experienced deck-builders have a lot of flexibility, but for more beginner deck-builders, it is advisable to have a “core” to base your deck around. /u/PvZTryHard’s Valk OTK for example has a core of Valkyrie and Teleport.
The requirements for a core are:
  • A maximum of 3 different cards
  • Each card should warrant at least three copies
  • Your core combo should be realistic
  • Your core should be able to win you the game
  • The cards should have strong synergy
These are nice guidelines for you to follow. Although some of them are debatable, if you are not comfortable with deck-building you should generally adhere to these rules.
Here are some examples of good cores and why:
*Garg Feast: Garg feast should be able to win you the game or put you in a winning position. It’s a solid win con that you can work towards (stall until t12 then feast them) * Grapes of Wrath + Dandy Lion King: This combo does 20 damage, which is enough to win you the game given some lucky block meter rolls. Just like Feast, this core contains a solid, workable, win-con. * MuG + Pogo + Electrician: The three cards have amazing synergy with each other. MuG can re-trigger Pogo’s and Electrician’s amazing when-revealed effects, and Pogo can help MuG land hits on the plant hero. Getting this core off can handily win you game.
Now here are some bad cores:
  • Shroom for Two + Buff Shroom: While this is a good combo, I wouldn’t consider this a good core to base you deck around because that means other cards will be supporting this “core”. It’s much better to use shroom42 and buff-shroom as supporting cards for another “winnable” core (Such as Pineclone)
  • MuG + Zombot: Far too unrealistic, you need to wait until turn 9 to start your combo, which isn’t even guaranteed since they might remove it. To really get it off you need to wait until turn 14. (Perhaps when gravestone environment comes out it will become viable)
Do NOT rush this step, if you decide on a good core and you know what you are looking for, the other pieces will fall in place just like arguments in an English Essay. Your core should be reliable, but it doesn’t need to be 100% foolproof. This brings me into the next section: Finding the cards that support your main strategy. But before we get into it lets look at the example:
In this guide, I will be building a core around the combo: Teleport + Zombie King + Coffee Zombie. This is a good core because a) getting it to work can realistically win me the game b) it is a reliable combo that can be achieved consistently c) the two cards have good synergy.
Our win con will be to create an army of knights that are very durable due to their armor, and then frenzy them all up to win the game!
Step Two: Supporting your Win-con
Arguably most win-cons need a lot of support. Trickster decks need a lot of tricks, Zombie King Decks need a lot of small minions to “king”, and Cornucopia decks need a lot of removal.
This is where step two comes in; you have a good goal in getting your core to work now you just need cards to help that happen, or “getting it to work”. Try to look beyond cards have just have random synergy and look for ones that really support and helps your core.
You should only be adding cards that connect to your core – you should NOT be adding cards just because “they are good”. (Good cards will most likely be adding in the next step :D)
Unfortunately there are just too many variable to accurately lay down precisely what you should do in words, so I’ll just go back to my example.
We look back at our win-con and we realize that we don’t have smaller minions and ways of protecting our king after we teleport it in. Naturally we can find some great cards that fit the requirement perfectly:
  • Landscaper: An act as a small body while also weakening the minion in front of the King so that it can survive.
  • Sumo: Small body that can protect the king when they front it with a strong minion
  • Medic: Minion that can be knighted while also being able to heal your king if it gets injured.
  • Beam me up: A body that you can get on the field on if they manage to remove all minions that you can knight.
  • Brain Vender: Minion that you can knight while also helping you ramp up.
Notice how I didn’t include things like Arm Wrestler because it doesn’t fit will with the core. I also didn’t include weed-spray (yet) because it doesn’t help the core.
Step Two and a Half: Making a Backup
Step Three: Countering Meta Decks
Step Four: Test and Re-vamp"

This answer was posted by reddit user SuraF, which seems pretty experienced in this deck building thing. Good jod dude!

Go ahead and post your answer here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PvZHeroes/comments/645b3f/creating_a_guide_for_building_decks_your_help/?st=j19cod0b&sh=5a1dec32


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