viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Beets & Nuts Grass Knuckles!

Grass Knuckles is well known for being either aggro or defensive, with Tempo, Aggro or Mixed decks. This deck combines the nut tribe with the big damage of the Beet plants.

With this deck you are looking to start defensively, and proceed offensively with your Beet plants, Bananasaurus Rex and Mirror Nut.

X4 Wall-nut: One of your tanking nuts used to defend a lane and receive damage to trigger the Mirror-Nut.

X2 Grave Buster: Your grave removal.

X4 Jugger-Nut: the perfect 1/1 and 2/2 zombie removal. Usually use it to keep cleaning lanes from trash you don’t want there. The prioritiy is to let the enemy play the trash on the Wallnut or Chestnut lane.

X2 Pismashio: Usually played at the back of Wallnuts or just to absorb some damage if the Mirror Nut has been already played.

X4 Water Chestnut: One of your tanking nuts used to defend a lane and receive damage to trigger the Mirror Nut. Can also tank the amphibious lane.

X2 Flourish: Your draw trick. Use it only if really necesary. If the match is going well save it to buff the Bananasaurus.

X2 Muscle Sprout: This plant has a lot of sinergy in this deck. It can get really big while you just play walls and it will help you buff the Potted Powerhouse.

X4 Pea Nut: More nuts to absorb or deal damage and trigger the Mirror Nut.

X2 Spineapple: Just to give your walls some attack if necesary.

X1 Bananasaurus Rex: One of your finishers. When played properly it can just finish the game quickly or carry the match. It also helps to buff the Potted Powerhouse.

X3 Mirror-Nut: Your tank and win card, just place a lot of 0/x nuts and let the enemy hit them for his self destruction

X4 Smackadamia: A big nut used to deal damage, tank the amphibious lane and give HP back to your nuts.

X3 Tough Beets: One of the finishers. This will usually be big enough in turn 5 to scare your opponent.

X3 Super-Phat Beets: Another finisher. Probably a 10/10 or more in turn 6.

Our next hero has the biggest list of Tricks in the game... Inmorticia! 

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