viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Hellra´s Rustbolt Aggro Sports Deck!

Recently, Rustbolt got a huge boost with Gargologist and Defensive End being introduced, which made Rustbolt Gargantuar decks pop out. Generally there are Science decks with Rustbolt, alongside some Sports Decks. This is one of those Sports decks, and probably one of the best Sports deck out there right now. 

With this deck it all focuses on keeping Team Mascot alive, so it can boost all the sports cards here. Theres some removal and control here, alongside Wannabe Hero as a finisher. Defensive End IS a sports card, so it can be included if you have it or want to.

X4 Arm Wrestler: Your turn 1 opening which can deny a lane.

X1 Camel Crossing: Health boost in the early game.

X2 Teleport: Helpful both in card draw and as a late game finisher, as you can teleport Mountain Climber, All-Star Zombie or Wannabe Hero to end the game, or teleport Team Mascot to protect it.

X2 Pool Shark: Singular removal and great damage if left alone.

X4 Sumo Wrestler: You can move plants to the Arm Wrestler or to keep Team Mascot alive.

X3 Brain Vendor: A F2P Sports zombie, which can also trade for free and get all the benefits from Sport zombies.

X2 Electrician: Can be a removal card or to help remove another plant.

X3 Rocket Science: Punishes overcommiting on a plant by overboosting it and as a big thread removal.

X4 Team Mascot: Big booster to all your sports zombies. Keep it alive and it will reward you greatly.

X3 Weed Spray: Small removal for small plants. Great against Mushroom or Nut decks.

X4 Mountain Climber: Your big finisher.

X3 Zombie Coach: A great protector incase alot of your Sport zombies are gonna be defeated that round. 

X2 All-Star Zombie: Another big finisher and damage dealer.

X2 Rodeo Gargantuar: Big tank. Same use as Sumo Wrestler.

X1 Wannabe Hero: The 1 card that will end the game if needed or if its going very late. Another big finisher.

Our next hero likes mines! Hell, he IS one... Spudow!

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