martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Combo Combustible!

Captain Combustible is well known for doing damage while boosting his plants to do said job. One of his most used cards is Re-Peat Moss, and this is a whole deck dedicated to him made by Tryhard!

Re-Peat moss is put to great use here! Start by boosting up plants and adding pressure, then come in with Re-Peat Moss and start boosting him up! Every trick you play will make him do a bonus attack, and with Blazing Bark we can set up a lethal set up. Its so fun and insanely dangerous!

This deck mainly relies on a bunch of combos, which ill leave in the guide made by Tryhard.

X4 Bonk Choy: Early removal and great for starting combos.

X4 Berry Blast: Removal, control and combo starter.

X4 Black-Eyed Pea: Will prevent the opponent from playing too many tricks.

X4 Fire Peashooter: Removal and good finisher if boosted up.

X2 Wild Berry: Big damage dealer and pressure tool.

X2 Fertilize: Great to boost up any plant, mainly Re-Peat Moss.

X3 Grow Shroom: Boosts up any plant, acting like an Embiggen, and can block a lane from damage if needed.

X3 Poison Ivy: Pressure tool and damage dealer.

X3 Bananasaurus Rex: Great for finishing the game if boosted up.

X2 Plant Food: A more expensive Time To Shine, but with a +1/+1. Use it to remove something to get lethal that turn.         

X4 Re-Peat Moss: Combo Starter and damage dealer. Will end the game most of the time once its boosted up quite alot.

X2 Sour Grapes: Small removal and can block a lane.

X1 Espresso Fiesta: Finisher.

Well guys! That is all! Stay tuned for the recap!

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