martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Deck Monday (+UPDATE!): Wall-Knight Flowers!

Ya know, Flowers, while powerful, are kinda weak. But with some awesome cards and setup, they can overpower anything and everything!
This deck focuses on Flowers, starting with removal early on, then getting carried thru turns 4-10 with your Flowers, whether ya go Board Control with Briar Rose or Stalling till turn 10 and use Wall-Nut Bowling is your choice. Flowers are cute, but some are definitely DEADLY.

X4 Morning Glory: A solid 2/2 plant for 1 sun. Use it for early defence if you need to, or save it for mid/late game where it becomes a resilient 3/3. In some games you might not need to use it to deal damages, so save it as a 1 sun removal with Briar Rose synergy.

X3 Grave Buster: Gravestone decks are the strongest zombie decks at the moment so Gravebuster will come in handy in these match-ups. Use it to get rid of key gravestones (for example Pogo Bouncer) and disrupt their tempo.

X4 Hot Date: There are so many uses and it is never a dead draw. In early-game it is an effective removal for key zombies such as Toxic Waste Imp/Gargologist/Zombot Drone Engineer, or use it as a gravestones blocker. In mid-game it protects your key flowers and takes care of water lane zombies. In late game it is a great lane manipulator for the best Wall Nut Bowling finish. A great control card and one of the best in the game.

X4 Second Best Taco: The two best things in one card, and it is an auto-include in every Wall Knight control deck. More of a mid-late game card so don’t keep it in your starting hand.

X4 Pear Cub: This is great for stalling and to generate card advantage, and a good gravestone blocker. The activated 5/4 Grizzly pear is a formidable force and your opponent will often respond to it immediately next turn by blocking or removing it, which gives you a free turn to catch up on your defence or play Metal Petal Sunflower. 90% of the time it will take 2 or more cards to neutralize this which is great value! It can also be used to counter Barrel of Deadbeard/Firework zombie.

X3 Whack-a-Zombie: Standard early removal which this deck needs vs tempo and aggro. This in combination with Hot Date provides the best early game control.

X4 Metal Petal Sunflower: A solid fighter and very resilient to tricks. The only removal tricks that it will die to on Turn 4 is Cake Explosion, B-Flat, and Smash’s Slammin Smackdown. The extra sun ramp is great for activating 3/3 morning glory 1 turn earlier or playing Briar Rose on Turn 5. You may play it on Turn 8 for an accelerated Turn 9 Wall nut bowling.

X3 Doom Shroom: The best removal trick for this deck and do not replace them with Sham Rocket. It can often wipe the whole board vs pet/sport/garg decks, or save you from a hairy Plankwalker RNG. Your plants will rarely be affected since the majority of your plants are 3 attack.  

X3 Power Flower: 3/5 is good, strikethrough is great, and healing is amazing. This is one of your key plants and play it safe if you can. It is resilient to most removal tricks, and 3 attack strikethrough damage will quickly take your opponent’s health down. It is also a great healer. In many instances I was down to 2-5 health and win the game 2-3 turns later with nearly full health.

X3 Briar Rose: Your main line of defence. While it can be used as a Turn 6 removal against a tough zombie such as Defensive End, having a solid board of flowers is when Briar Rose will shine. It is the key to success against Gravestone/Teleport-bonus attack decks. Try play it in Lane 4 if you can, protect it with your superpowers (Nut Signal/Bubble-up), team up and heal against direct damage tricks if necessary.

X2 Poppin Poppies: Great flower synergy with Briar Rose and Power Flower. Its little Buddies are great for blocking and lane clogging, and they are all “deadly” in presence of Briar Rose. Beware that a 4/4 body is a target for Rocket Science.

X3 Wall Nut Bowling: A solid win condition and a much better choice over Cornucopia. With 3 copies, there is a 95% stacked probability of drawing one before Turn 10 (assume 2 additional card draw from Superpower/Taco). Plan your board early and use removal and lane manipulation to clear the ground lanes. The preparation will pay off and 4 out of 5 times this card will win you the game this turn or next.

Hey guys! This next update is not as big as our last one, but now Mondays will be for Card Of The Week, while Fridays will be Deck Friday´s. This is to ensure better editing and better posts of said Decks. Thanks for reading!   

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