martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Event Card Analysis: Imposter

Imposter is an event zombie card in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, and a member of the Sneaky class. He costs 1 to play, and has 2/1. He does not have any traits, and his ability adds a random Imp card that costs 1, which can be another Imposter, into the zombie hero's hand when he is destroyed, then places a mustache on that Imp when it is played.

Imposter can be a great addition for Imp decks, as he gives you more Imps when he is destroyed. You can treat this as Haunting Zombie but with a slightly riskier ability, as he can give you either a powerful Imp, or a really weak one.
So far, Imposter can only give the player:
  • Imp
  • Swabbie
  • Mini-Ninja
  • Impfinity Clone
  • Leprechaun Imp
  • Another Imposter
Getting an Imp or Swabbie is the worst case scenario, as they do almost nothing, though they can be used as a meat shield or as a glass cannon if paired with Toxic Waste Imp or as extra cards with Imp Commander. Mini-Ninja has the Anti-Hero trait, meaning he can do some good damage early in the match. Impfinity Clone is fragile, but is seen as stronger than Swabbie and can act as Snorkel Zombie with the Imp tribe. Leprechaun Imp is possibly the best Imp to get, since he has decent stats and will shuffle 2 Pots of Gold your deck. Getting another Imposter also means you get to draw another Imp, making it good for synergy.

You can treat Imposter as a cheap Haunting Zombie, but that works with the Imp tribe. Be careful if this stacks with Imp Commander or Toxic Waste Imp as it can ruin your defenses. In addition, be careful of destroying this as it can provide more Imps to the zombie hero's hand. The good news is is that you will only have to worry about Imps that cost 1 brain. Mini-Ninja can be dangerous if the zombie hero has Smoke Bomb, but virtually any attacking plant can be used to get rid of them.

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