lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Deck Monday: Super Brainz "Grave Problem"!

As many may remember, yesterday i shared me (Dan10000 in the vid) beating a famous Youtuber using a custom made Super Brainz Gravestone deck, which i named "Grave Problem". Im here to show the decklist and how it works!

With this deck you are looking for a good starting hand, with Headstone Carver and Swashbuckler Zombie. Having this combo or just Headstone Carver is essential to get the deck going. Getting other zombies like Line Dancer, Stealthy Imp, High Diver and Mixed-Up Gravedigger to do massive damage, while Pogo Bouncer bounces anything back, allowing for a free hit with Stealthy or to keep something alive.

X4 Headstone Carver: Boosts all the gravestones in the deck. Be careful and know what the enemy may play to counter it, but if its safe and you have Swashbuckler on your hand, its the best Turn 1 play. Play it either on the Heights or Lane 2.

X4 Swashbuckler Zombie: Best turn 2 play. Play it on an empty lane, and its better if you played Headstone Carver on Turn 1, as its already value even if it dies. You can play it on the Heights, Lane 3 or Lane 4, the last being the best.

X3 Backyard Bounce: Bounces a plant to go face with a strong Zombie or to bounce a strong or dangerous plant.

X3 Electrician: Doing a bonus attack to remove something or to go face is amazing and very good. Can also be used to remove something by itself.

X3 Fun-Dead Raiser: Card Draw... What do you expect something else?

X4 Line Dancing Zombie: Great removal and damage dealer. Its a good idea to move it to an empty lane if boosted with Headstone Carver, as it could potentially do 8 damage, which can be a game decider.

X3 Rocket Science: Removal for dangerous or high boosted plants.

X3 Stealthy Imp: Big damage dealer. Best used with Headstone Carver to keep it alive, alongside a Backyard Bounce or Pogo Bouncer.

X2 Zombie High Diver: Big threat on the water lane. Its mostly ignored due to not many ways to defeat it, specially once boosted.

X4 Pogo Bouncer: Same as Backyard Bounce, but can be boosted and also can be used to block or defeat another plant.

X3 Tomb-Raiser: Makes more graves to boost or use. Can be replaced for virtually anything if you want to or dont have them.

X2 Mixed Up Gravedigger: Mixes up all our graves, which reactivate their abilities. Mainly used with Pogo Bouncer and/or Electrician to reuse their great abilities.

X2 Surprise Gargantuar: Big finisher in case your boosted gravestones didnt finish the job already.

Its a fun deck, and just like Nutty Control i may do an upgraded version once i have some more cards, like Fire Rooster mainly.

Thanks for reading!
This week we will also go back to work and post daily (or semi daily. We will see bout that), so stay tuned for more!



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