sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Control-Anti Meta Spudow! (By Guacodile42Nathan)

With Spudow, hes a similar case to Rustbolt, Wall-knight and The Smash. He got a big boost with the addition of Pear Cub, Shamrocket etc. Heres a really good deck with some of these new event cards.
With this deck, all the cards are focused to control all the current meta decks. Its quite effective and different from all aggro Spudow decks out there.

X2 Blooming Heart: Great Tempo card. It is weak to Bungee Plumber though, but its a great starting card in Turn 1.

X4 Spudow: A great removal card in the early game. Alot of powerful cards have 2 health, so its pretty useful to defeat them easily.

X4 Shroom For Two: Can defeat alot of Turn 1 zombies, and also to setup Pineclone.

X4 Berry Blast: Amazing at removing any 3 health or less zombie, which can come with an annoyance. Can also be a finisher if the zombie hero has 3 Health or less.

X3 Grave Buster: Gravestone Removal. Useful on rounds 3 and over.

X2 Hot Date: Can defeat any amphibious threats by bringing them to its lane.

X3 Pear Cub: Great control card and removal. Also great damage dealer once it becomes a Grizzly Pear.

X4 Guacodile: Big Health removal card, and aggro on empty lanes.

X3 Pineclone: Mainly used with a Shroom For Two combo, and is a win condition as well.

X4 Bluesberry: A solid 3/3 with the ability to defeat 5 Health zombies if you place it on the lane where it is and deal 2 damage to it.

X2 Shamrocket: WAIT A SECOND! The card list says Sizzle and not Shamrocket! You can check out the guide the creator of the deck made. Its better and cheaper than Sizzle in most ways, but if you dont have Shamrocket, then use Sizzle. Either way, both are great removal cards.

X2 Tough Beets: Great threat and removal if its health is high enough. It can trade or even counter Defensive end with the correct amount of Health.

X2 Cherry Bomb: Amazing removal card, leaving you with a plant advantage or field advantage.

X1 Grapes Of Wrath: Your big finisher and damage dealer. Can counter or trade with most gargantuars.

For replacements...
Blooming Heart for Sting Bean
Hot Date for Sea Shroom
Pear Cub for Hibernating Beary
Pineclone for Sour Grapes
Grapes Of Wrath for Poison Oak or Smackadamia

As for any upgrades...
Potato Mine for more Hot Dates
Cherry Bomb for Kernel Corn
Sizzle for Shamrocket
Anything can be removed for more Grapes Of Wrath

Our next hero loves dancing! Electric Boogaloo!

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