domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Z-Mech Suicide Squad! (Valkyrie deck)

Z-Mech, as cool as he looks, is considered the WORST Zombie Hero by far. Having no hard removal, he has a big disavantage late game. There are decks that work, like this one.

With this deck you are purposely defeating your own zombies to buff Valkyrie. Its rather hard for the plants to deal with decks where zombies are being purposely defeated. With Valkyrie and Zombie King you can secure victory early on.

X4 Arm Wrestler: Your best turn 1 play. Will deny a lane early on and get rid of any removal cards your opponent may have due to how dangerous it can be.

X4 Bungee Plumber: Small removal. Great early on.

X4 Barrel Of Deadbeards: Great for defeating our zombies, and the barrel being destroyed COUNTS as a zombie being destroyed as well. Great crowd control.

X3 Conehead: Great turn 2 2 or 1 attack removal.

X3 Newspaper Zombie: With Fireworks Zombie and Barrel Of Deadbeards he will get alot of attack pts.

X4 Fireworks Zombie: Will defeat our zombies easily. Another great crowd control card.

X3 Jester: With our self damage cards, we can do alot of damage using him.

X4 Valkyrie: Will be kept on our hand until we can use her either to finish the game or to remove something with alot of HP. With 0 attack can be used to transform into a Knight Of The Living Dead.

X3 Weed Spray: Will be a great early game group removal.

X3 Medic: Will heal up any zombie or face.

X2 The Chickening: Great group removal for turn 4 and onwards.

X1 Zombie King: Can transform any weak zombie into powerhouses. Can be used as another win condition.

X2 Imp-Throwing Imp: With the Swabbies it spawns, it will boost Valkyrie and make more KOTLD for us and overwhelm very quickly.

Our next hero is the queen of flowers... Rose!


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