lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Gravestone Neptuna!

Neptuna has gotten a bit popular nowdays. Having alot of fun decks, but also having effective decks. This deck isnt only cheap, but effective!

Start out with Headstone Carver and boost up all your gravestone zombies! Remove any small plants with Weed Spray, while you boost up all the zombies health with Camel Crossing. Later on, Mix up all the graves with Mixed-Up Gravedigger, and Boost up with Monster Mash and surprise the plant hero with Surprise Gargantuar to finish the game.

X2 Camel Crossing: Boosts up the health of all our zombies.

X4 Headstone Carver: Best used on turn 1. Most things cant destroy him on 1 turn, except for superpowers, which is a good trade. Will boost all the attack and health of our gravestones.

X1 Rolling Stone: Will defeat any annoying 2 attack or less plant.

X4 Sumo Wrestler: Great for moving plants around and as a wall.

X4 Swashbuckler Zombie: Great as a turn 2 play with a Headstone Carver.

X2 Toxic Waste Imp: Main play on the water and can be used to be transformed into a KOTLD

X4 Landscaper: Great for creating dead lanes or to make a powerful plant less threathing.

X4 Smelly Zombie: Will defeat any wall or dangerous plant if it hits.

X3 Weed Spray: Defeats any 2 or less attack plant. Great value if used correctly.

X4 Pogo Bouncer: Bounces any boosted or dangerous plant.

X1 Zombie King: Transforms a zombie into a Knight Of The Living Dead, which is very useful and can be a treat on the board.

X2 Mixed-Up Gravedigger: Allows the re-usal of abilities like Pogo bouncer, Sumo Wrestler, Landscaper or to simply heal up damage.

X1 Monster Mash: Boosts up all zombies, transforming them into moderate threats.

X4 Surprise Gargantuar: Finisher and damage dealer. Removal as well.

Our final plant hero is the lord of damage... Captain Combustible!             

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