miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

Event Card Analysis: Zombie High Diver

Zombie High DiverH 
 Zombie High Diver is a 3 cost, 2 attack 3 health Mustache Sports Zombie. He has the gravestone trait, and when revealed on the Heights lane, it moves to the water lane and gains +1/+1, transforming it into a 3/4.

For his cost, he can be quite dangerous due to being quite strong in health, and can apply pressure. With the sports attribute, it can get sports synergy if played with Neptuna. By itself, its stats are great, but it SHOULD be played on the heights lane to get the best out of it. Make sure the water lane is empty, or else it wont get boosted nor move. 

This is also great to play mind-games with the opponent. Most people think with a turn 3 gravestone to be: Smelly Zombie, Stealthy Imp or Line-Dancing Zombie. With this added in it can create some crazy mind-games.

Can also be boosted further more with Gravestone Carver.

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