miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Control Wall-Knight! (By RAVI1989K)

Recently, Wall-Knight has changed with the most recent Event Cards, like Pear Cub, which made you opponent think of what to do, or Shamrocket, defeating big threats with ease. In short, Wall-Knight is mostly control and defend, and be a bit aggro in the late game, or stay defensive.

This deck focuses on controlling early on, and being a little aggro later with Power Flower, Tough Beets and Cornucopia, with Wall-Nut Bowling being a finisher.

Lets see the cards

X3 Morning Glory: Only used for defending, and better after Turn 6.

X3 Grave Buster: To disrupt the strategy of the zombie hero with them.

X3 Jugger Nut: Used for making good trades against 2 health minions with 2 or less attack. Also a good damage dealer.

X3 Pepper M.D: Healing synergy. Should always be played with Geyser or 2nd Best Taco Of All Time.

X3 Water Balloons: Amphibious removal and stat decreaser so your plants can take them out.

X4 2nd Best Taco Of All Time: Healer and should always be used with Pepper M.D if possible.

X2 Hibernating Beary: Great control card. Dont place it on vacant lanes and front it with a 1 or 2 attack zombie.

X4 Whack-A-Zombie: For removing pesky or important zombies early on.

X4 Guacodile: Great removal card and attacker in the water lane. Just a great all around card.

X2 Doom Shroom: Amazing at removing big threads. Be mineful that it also affects your plants and try to get the most value out of it.     

x3 Power Flower: Amazing at attacking and keeping you healed. Also makes good trades.

X2 Squash: Big removal. Be sure to use it on important targets.

x1 Tough Beets: Great attacker and shield. Careful of Deadly Zombies however.

X1 Poppin Poppies: Defends attackers with its Lil Buddies, and good at attacking. Can be replaced for another Power Flower.

X1 Soul Patch: Amazing Lifesaver. Be careful of Deadly zombies as if they damage it, it will be destroyed instantly. 

X1 Wall-Nut Bowling: Great OTK card and finisher.

X1 Cornucopia: Another big finisher. 

This deck is simple, yet effective. Counter the cards your opponent plays, then hit them hard in the late game. I actually made my own version of this deck, replacing the legendaries and some super rares which i didnt have. Here it is:

Added Pear Cub for extra control and more water lane removal and pressure, 1 more Power Flower, Whack-A-Zombie and Squash for healing and removal. So far its working well, but im sure with testing and improvements it will be great.

Next up, we will check out the master of imps and zoo decks (for the most part)... Impfinity!


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