martes, 18 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Nutty Beans Citron!

Uh... Citron? Yes!
Citron isnt really viable when it comes to decks and the meta, but there are decks that can work. With experience, some like this one can work wonders!

This deck has 2 different win conditions: Overrun the opponent with beans and their free damage, or boost your nuts and dont let your opponent get to damage you.

X4 Admiral Navy Bean: Your main bean damage dealer. The 2 chip damage can quickly overrun the opponent if not dealt with quickly.

X4 Sting Bean: Being a good choice to protect Admiral Navy Bean while dealing damage, it can also work as a pressure tool with its 1 damage of Truestrike.

X2 Wall-Nut: He will protect any of our plants on the ground.

X4 Jugger-Nut: Will deal with any 2 attack or less zombie with ease, and can pressure with 2 damage of Truestrike.

X3 Water Chestnut: Hes your main defender of Admiral Navy Bean in the water. Also great wall if needed.

X4 Hibernating Beary: Your punish tool if your opponent plays 1 or 2 attack zombies. Great wall and damage dealer if kept alive.

X2 Spineapple: Will give strenght to all of our nuts since most of them dont have attack points.

X2 Spring Bean: Mainly used to bounce any boosted zombies, since it resets its stats.

X2 Bean Counter: Gives extra beans to use, also every bean we play will boost it.

X4 Navy Bean: Alot of the plants here have Amphibious as a trait, so Navy Bean works wonders. Also a bean.

X1 Doom Shroom: Big removal of any big threats on the board. Be careful as it can take out your own plants as well.

X1 Jumping Bean: Bounces any zombie back, whether boosted or if its a threat.

X4 Smackadamia: He will buff all of our nuts on the board.

X1 Brainana: Can be used as a big finisher since it drains all of the zombie heroes brains, and that with a developed board can close games.

X1 Soul Patch: Can let you live for some more turns and help you win.

X1 The Great Zucchini: Can completely destroy the zombie heroes board by transforming all zombies into 1/1 zombies. Great finisher as well.

Our next hero is thought to be the best Zombie hero in the game... Professor Brainstorm!

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