viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Deck Friday: Hellra´s The Smash Overstuffed Frenzy!

Hello! This was supposed to be in Deck Monday, but we decided to change that for Meta Week (same with most of our other daily series). Might as well share it now!

This deck is rather cheap, only needing 3 Overstuffed Zombies, which are now cheaper costing 1,000 sparks now, and the legendaries can be replaced. With this deck you are looking to frenzy up and boost Overstuffed Zombie to extremes and take out the zombie hero quickly, while all of your other cards keep it alive and defeat all other plants. Its fun, and great!

X4 Arm Wrestler: Your turn 1 opening to block a lane. 

X1 Camel Crossing: Health boost for your frenzy zombies.

X4 Nibble: Small Removal and small health boost.

X2 Snorkel Zombie: Good for Water lane control and turn 1 opening to apply pressure, specially if the plant hero cant deal well with water lanes.

X4 Sumo Wrestler: Used to move some zombies to Arm Wrestler or to attack face.

X2 Landscaper: Protection against big plants with big attack.

X4 Vimpire: Mainly used to apply pressure and make the opponent use removal on him to keep Overstuffed Zombie safe.

X2 Vitamin Z: Main trick to grow all of their stats. Best with Vimpier, Overstuffed, Coffee Zombie or Arm Wrestler.

X2 Weed Spray: Your big small removal card. Amazing against Mushroom decks.

X2 Zombie Yeti: Mainly used to boost zombies with its Yeti Lunchbox.

X2 Medic: Main healer to face or zombies.

X3 Overstuffed Zombie: Big heavy hitter when boosted with all of your other boosting cards, mainly Coffee Zombie.

X3 Locust Swarm: Your big removal card.

X2 Coffee Zombie: Your main boost card. Gives all zombies frenzy to blast thru all plants if they defeat one. 

X1 Maniacal Laugh: Main booster for Overstuffed Zombie. Its essentially a game finisher due to the high boosts it gives.

X1 Nurse Gargantuar: Both a tank and healer. Great for the late game.

X1 Octo-Zombie: The late game big guy. Hes also a big finisher.

X1 Zombot 1000: Big finisher and removal. 

Some replacements include:
  •  Rodeo Gargantuar or Deep Sea Gargantuar for Octo-Zombie
  •  Another Nurse Gargantuar for Zombot 1000                 
Heres the original source:

Thanks for reading!

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