miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Professor Brainstorm OTK Valkyrie Zoo Deck!

Time for the guy who made me start this whole thing...
Choosing a Prof. Brainstorm deck to show was HARD, since its either Pay-To-Win Prankster or Valkyrie OTK. I decided to choose OTK Valk since its cheaper and, in some cases, better.
With this deck you are looking to boost Valkyrie to defeat the Plant Hero in 1 turn. This can be achieved with Teleport. You can teleport Valkyrie, and possibly do a Bonus Attack with Lurch For Lunch and win! Alot of the cards here have low health so they can easily be defeated by plants, or via Fireworks Zombie. This version is made by Tryhard, an amazing PvZH player, where you are purposely defeating your own zombies, but there are different ways to go with it.

X2 Chimney Sweep: Good turn 1 opening, however if you dont have Valkyrie as your starting hand, it may be best to save it.

X4 Teleport: "Feels like Cheating" is the description of this card, and in this deck its absolutely right! You will use it to teleport Valkyrie once it has enough strength, or to draw cards in order to cycle thru your deck and possibly get Valkyrie.

X4 Tennis Champ: Great damager. Can be a good turn 1 opening as well.

X4 Unlife Of The Party: With all the small cost zombies, he can easily be boosted with all of them.

X4 Cell Phone Zombie: Will help cycle out deck and draw cards. Card draw is a main advantage of Prof. Brainstorm in general, making it great here. Also to defeat or chump block.

X4 Lurch For Lunch: Can make a zombie do a bonus attack to remove something, or to win with Valkyrie.

X4 Pool Shark: Weak but strong, and also a great damage dealer if left alone.

X4 Exploding Imp: Great damage dealer, removal and pretty much an automatic boost to Valkyrie.

X3 Fireworks Zombie: Will purposely remove our weak zombies and any weak plants, like Shroom For Two.

X4 Kite Flyer: Will be a great card draw, and block.

X4 Valkyrie: Our main star. It will be saved alongside a Teleport to teleport in Valkyrie and defeat the Plant Hero ON 1 TURN.

As said before, there are many other variations of this deck with different ideas and win conditions. 

Our next hero on the list has the toughest knuckles on the plants side... Grass Knuckles!

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