miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Finally Part 1 (Recap)

Well... Thats all folks!
I guess this was more of a "Meta Month" than "Week" but hey, we will fix that next year.
Overall, it was fun looking at whats the most used as of now in the meta, and cant wait to see more! Heres a recap:

Green Shadow: Her main deck focus is on Peas or Freeze, or a combination of both with Beans added to the mix. She has some reliance on boosting plants to do the job, which can cause them to be weak to hard removal.

Super Brainz: Using Gravestone, Imps and Science to his advantage, his decks revolve around them, with super tricky Trickster Decks. 

Solar Flare: Aggro or Control? Maybe ill go mixed? Idk, either way, Solar Flare is one of the top-tier plant heroes, and for good reason.

The Smash: The master of gargantuars, he can be aggro and control in one same deck! Its crazy!

Ramp Gargantuar by GearBox: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-gearboxs-smash-ramp.html 

Wall-Knight: The nut master! He uses defenses, and with alot of control and removal card he can put the zombie hero into big trouble.

Control Wall-Knight by RAVI1989K: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-control-wall-knight-by.html 

Impfinity: Zoo decks and aggro decks are his game, alongside overwhelming the plant hero!

Midrange Deadly Imps: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-midrange-deadly-imps-impfinity.html

Chompzilla: Strikethrough or Healing? Either way they work!

Strikethrough Chompzilla by Tryhard: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-tryhards-strikethrough.html 

Rustbolt: Sports and science decks are his game. Gargantuars are also great with him.

Aggro Sports by Hellra´s: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-hellras-rustbolt-aggro-sports.html 

Spudow: Master of Pineclones and Aggro! He is THE SPUD.

Control Anti-Meta Spudow: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-control-anti-meta-spudow-by.html 

Electric Boogaloo: Dancing and aggro are his styles of dancing, with Control included.

Control Boogaloo: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-control-boogaloo.html 

Citron: While he is considered some of the weaker Heroes, he still has amazing strategies!

Nutty Beans Citron: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-nutty-beanscitron.html 

Prof. Brainstorm: The master of P2W, and with so many fun decks!

OTK Valkyrie deck by TryHard: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-professor-brainstorm-otk.html 

Grass Knuckles: Defend and Boost is what he does, alongside some tempo and curve.

Beets & Nuts Grass Knuckles: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-beets-nuts-grass-knuckles.html 

Inmorticia: With a big bag of tricks up her sleeves, she can deal with alot of situations!

Inmorticia Trickster Control Deck: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-immorticia-trickster-deck.html 

Nightcap: Just like the single player campaign says, he likes quick games.

Pineclone Aggro Deck: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-pineclone-aggro-nightcap.html 

Z-Mech: The WORST Hero, but can pull off some very cool combinations of zombies and tricks which others cant do.

Valkyrie Deck: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-z-mech-suicide-squad-valkyrie.html 

Rose: Rose is the queen of flowers, and she uses them to her advantage!

Freeze Rose: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-freeze-rose.html 

Neptuna: Queen of the seas, keeping her zombies alive thru HP boosts or thru Gravestones.

Gravestone Neptuna: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-gravestone-neptuna.html 

Cpt. Combustible: Boosting up plants to extreme attack, he can pull off some very early wins.

Combo Combustible: http://pvzheroescentral.blogspot.mx/2017/04/meta-week-combo-combustible.html  

Next time we will see what could change in the upcoming set 2 in the meta!


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