martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Event Card Analysis: Health-Nut


Health-Nut is a 3 sun cost, 4 health no attack, Nut Plant and with no traits. His ability makes it do damage depending on how much health it has.

Lets get this outta the way: IT DOES DIE TO WEED SPRAY AND ROLLING STONE.
I wish Popcap would make it so that wouldnt be the case, but for now we must deal with it.

Having 4 health, it does 4 damage, and say if it gets hit for 1 damage, it will do 3 damage. Ya get it?

Its a great turn 3 removal card, and more if its health is boosted. If your hero has Bubble-Up, you can wait till turn 4, play it and use Bubble-Up on an empty lane, and it will do 7 damage! Its a great snipe on turn 3 as well.

Of course, it can easily be removed, and if it keeps getting hurt it will do less and less damage, so boosting its health is a must.

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