jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Midrange Deadly Imps! (Impfinity)

Impfinity is pure aggro, or zoo decks, with some gimmicky pirate or fun Valkyrie decks. Heres a really effective Imp deck!

This deck starts and end aggresively, with some control in the way. Imps are your main damagers, with Toxic Waste Imp and Imp Commander, alongside all other imps. Imp Commander keeps a card advantage, while Toxic Waste Imp gives all imps deadly. Meanwhile in the late game you have Zombot Sharktronic Sub, Walrus Rider and The Chickening. You can ZSS and The Chickening to defeat everything on the board! Its fun and effective.

X4 Bungee Plumber: Main early game removal, and possible finisher (AKA butt lethal... Im not even kidding).

X4 Mini-Ninja: A great early game damage dealer and removal with Toxic Waste Imp.

X2 Smoke Bomb: You can move cards like Mini-Ninja and Stealthy Imp to get them to do massive damage, or Toxic Waste Imp to move him back to the water in case it got moved.

X1 Fishy Imp: Good damage dealer in case you dont have TWI in your hand, or as an early game removal.

X4 Hot Dog Imp: Amazing removal and card draw with Imp Commander. If paired with TWI it can defeat anything easily, or buff it with Brute Strengh to do massive damage as well.

X4 Toxic Waste Imp: Will give all imps deadly, letting them defeat anything if they damage the plant. Best with Hot Dog Imp.

X4 Imp Commander: Great card draw and card advantage. Also good wall but not recommended.

X3 Smelly Zombie: Removal in case you dont have TWI.

X3 Stealthy imp: Same use as Mini-Ninja, but more aggresive and great with Smoke Bomb in an empty lane.

X1 Valkyrie: Great finisher, and better with all of these low health Zombies

X2 Zombots Wrath: Great removal card, and possible finisher if all lanes are field and you just need 6 damage to win.

X2 Barrel Roller Zombie: Great removal and the imps it spawns can draw you more cards or be deadly.

x2 The Chickening: Great for small removal and amazing removal with Zombot Sharktronic Sub.

X3 Walrus Rider: Big damager in the water lane, and since its an imp, it gets all the benefits from the imp tribe.

X1 Zombot Sharktronic Sub: Great finisher and also great at removal if kept alive.

Next hero up loves to eat and eat... Chompzilla!

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