lunes, 3 de julio de 2017

Card Of The Week: Dark Matter Dragonfruit

Dark Matter DragonfruitH
Dark Matter Dragonfruit is a galactic legendary plant card in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Smarty class. It costs 8 to play, and has 6/6. It has the Amphibious and Splash Damage 6 traits, and its ability increases the cost of all zombie tricks by 6. This ability stacks with each Dark Matter Dragonfruit on the field, and persists until all Dark Matter Dragonfruits are removed from the field. Its zombie counterpart is Defensive End. 

This can be a game-changing card, turning the tide of the battle in your favor. Not only does it have high raw stats, coupled with the Amphibious and Splash Damage 6 traits, but it has an extremely powerful ability, namely making all zombie tricks cost 6 brains more. This makes up for a common weakness of tricks that can destroy plants. It can easily destroy three zombies in just one attack, thanks to its incredible Splash Damage.

Because of how powerful this can be, you should try hard to protect it. Playing in on the aquatic lane will keep it relatively safe, but also reduces its Splash Damage effectiveness. Green Shadow can use stat-boosting cards to help keep it alive and do even more damage (note that increasing its strength does not increase the Splash Damage). Citron can do an even better job at this with all of his Team-Up plants as well as health-boosting tricks. Rose can make use of plants such as Sunflower and Toadstool to generate more sun, allowing her to play this earlier and making it harder to deal with.

This is easily one of the most dangerous Smarty plants so far. Not only does it boast outstanding stats and traits, but its ability prevents you from playing tricks that could destroy it easily, like Rocket Science, for quite a few turns. Also, since plants play second, your opponent can simply play this without you knowing, especially when you spent a lot of brains on zombies, forcing you to have a mind-reading session with your opponent until you find out that they do not have this card in their procession. The best way to get rid of it is to use Deadly zombies. Combining many zombies with the Zombot Sharktronic Sub also works well.

If you are forced to use tricks, the cheapest option is Cut Down to Size, which can be played on the 7th turn if Dark Matter Dragonfruit is in play (or immediately if you get it with a Super-Block). A way to reduce the impact of this plant is by having Gentleman Zombies to give you some brains for tricks.

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