miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

Event Card Analysis: Corn Dog

Corn DogH
Corn Dog is an event plant card in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Guardian class. It costs 2 to play, and has 3/2. It has the Amphibious and Hunt traits, and does not have any abilities. Its zombie counterpart is Dog Walker. 

Corn Dog can be treated as a Fire Peashooter, but one that can track down zombies and does not synergies with any tribes. It is advised to use stat-boosting tricks on it as it can be destroyed easily upon being attacked by a zombie during a combat. But with a 3 base, it is immune to Rocket Science and Rolling Stone. Overall, it is a good plant to guard against most treats such as Beam Me Up. Take note that it goes to the zombie's lane when that zombie is being played, which prevents threatening zombies like Copter Commando from directly hitting the plant hero during the trick phrase, so do not expect it to attack the zombie hero that often.


Despite it having the Amphibious trait, you do not need an Amphibious zombie to counter it.
Use tricks like Beam Me Up to destroy it on the same turn or just play a zombie to drag it off to the ground. If not, tricks like Bungee Plumber can help counter its low health easily. Try to take it out or else it will mess up your strategies.

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