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This deck is "NUTS" ;D |
X4 Wall-Nut: Excellent wall early on, and great with Mirror-Nut. You can also boost their Health with Smackadamia, or use them with Mixed Nuts. They have almost unlimited use!
X4 Grave Buster: Your 1st removal card. It will help against any gravestone, though make sure to use it on big gravestone zombies, like Rodeo Gargantuar, or gravestone zombies that may thread your defense, like Smelly Zombie.
X2 Water Balloons: Excellent at weakening any foe. Destroying most early game zombies, or putting them at really low health. Useful on big hitters to reduce their damage, or nullify them completely by defeating them with your nuts or Grizzly Pears. It can be replaced with quite alot if you want a different styled deck, like another Lawnmower, Mirror-Nut, or maybe Jugger-nut.
X4 Water Chestnut: Amazing tank which can withstand alot of big hitters. It can save your life pretty well and defend your heavy hitters. Can of course also be used just like a Wall-Nut, but with more health.
X4 Mixed-Nuts: One of the 3 heavy hitters in the deck. You will use it to defeat any high hp foe, and can really save you in a pinch. Also gets the benefits of Mirror-Nut and Smackadamia.
X4 Pear Cub: Hands down your best control/heavy hitter card. With the Amphibious trait, it can defend pretty well against any aquatic foe, and later return the favor by being a great attacker and defender. Dont understimate this little pear, because it can be quite the amazing life saver as well. You can replace it with most of the stuff said in the Water Balloons area, and much more.
X4 Shamrocket: This is pretty much like Rocket Science. You can use it the same way as you would with the zombies. This will take out any big foe with no questions asked, and can probably win you the game, or make you survive for one more turn. Can be replaced with more Lawnmowers, Water Balloons, etc. You can take a look at our analysis of Shamrocket by clicking here.
X3 Spineapple: Wait? Spineapple?! Well yes! This will help you and your nuts (im sorry) get tougher (im sorry again) and take out alot of big threats, or weaken them easily. Couple this with all of our nut cards who have high health, and Mirror-Nut dashing out damage to your opponent, and Smackadamia boosting them all, and you got your opponent in a problem. Be careful of WeedSpray however!
X4 Whack-A-Zombie: Your #1 card at taking out anything early on. This will help out take annoying cards, like Jester, Disco Zombie, or more, or take out any zombie who may help your opponents strategy, like Toxic Waste Imp or Drone Engineer Zombie.
X2 Lawnmower: Your #1 card at taking out ANYTHING on the ground. Its a versatile Shamrocket which can be used to take out any threat in case you dont have Shamrocket in your hand, but only to Ground lanes. Squash can work as well, at the cost of 1 extra sun cost.
X3 Mirror-Nut: Mirror-Nut will be used as another main damage dealer, and as a pressure tool. You can also use it to block any hard hitter with 6 attack or more, giving you 1 extra turn incase that turn was your end, though be careful of Frenzy.
X2 Smackadamia: Both a great damage dealer and buffer. You can use it on Aquatic lanes to put your opponent on a big threat which will need to be taken out, or use it to just damage something hard. It should mainly be used however to boost the health of your nuts (the innuendo in this is already too much...).
Simply put: This deck focuses on defeating almost anything that your opponent places on you, while attacking with Mirror-Nut and your other nuts. Its simple but fun!
One MAJOR weakness however, is Zombot-1000 and Weed Spray. Zombot-1000 wont have to be much of a worry, since its kinda rare to find one, but when you are fighting a Hearty hero, be careful of weed spray, as it can mess your set up badly and possibly lose you the game.
And thats it for this weeks Deck Monday! Do you like the deck? Let us know! And make sure to try it out!
Good Luck Out There!
Can we Replace Spineapple with Three-Nut