viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Deck Friday: Amphibious Citron!

Let me be honest here: I HATE Citron.

But being my X10 hero, and needing the Health-Nuts for an Upgraded Nutty Control Wall-Knight, i needed a good deck for Citron to use to win me tickets.
My other X10 hero was Neptuna, but i dont have Neptuna nor the gems for the hero pack, so yeah...

I came up with this Amphibious Citron deck, which uses Navy Bean and alot of Amphibious plants to boost them up and overwhelm!

X4 Spyris: Good turn 1 play and trades well early on, but will mainly help make good trades later on against Gravestones.

X4 Sting Bean: Great turn 1 pressure tool and amazing once boosted. That Bullseye damage is annoying guys!

X3 Grave Buster: Great Gravestone removal later on. Dont use it on turn 2 unless the zombie under the grave can hurt your strategy.

X3 Sea Shroom: Great pressure tool and makes good trades, also amazing once boosted.

X3 Cattail: Helps out against annoying or strong water zombies or to deal big damage.

X4 Mayflower: Card draw, Card Advantage, and pressure tool. An amazing all around 3 sun plant. Consider leaving the water lane empty for this guy.

X4 Pear Cub: Helps at making trades and puts a strong 5/4 on the board, which helps as removal and can be boosted with Navy Bean.

X2 Shamrocket: Big, high attack zombie removal. Can be replaced for Spring Bean if needed.

X1 Spring Bean: Bounces a dangerous or overly boosted zombie back. Can also open up a lane to win the game or get card draw (thru Mayflower)

X3 Guacodile: Damage dealer and removal. Great all around card.

X4 Navy Bean: Can block a plant, trade well with zombies, and of course, boost all the amphibious plants on the board. Consider placing it in front of a Mayflower or when you have 2 or more Amphibious plants.

X4 Snake Grass: Great damage dealer, pressure tool, and can be boosted with Navy Bean. Use with caution.

X1 Brainana: Trades well and can finish the game if needed. REMOVE ANYTHING for more Brainana if you want.

This deck is weak to Weed Spray, and you really need to think what to do, or what cards your opponent may use if they pass a turn (like turn 4 on a Crazy class Zombie Hero), but its overall a good deck.


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