domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

PvzH Card Of The Week: Toxic Waste Imp

Toxic Waste ImpH
How is he staying balanced like that?!
Toxic Waste Imp is a 2 cost, 2 attack, 2 Health Sneaky Barrel Imp Zombie. It has the Amphibious trait, and its ability gives the Deadly status to all Imp Tribe zombies.

By itself, it isnt really too strong, but can apply preasure in the Aquatic lane if extra damage is needed. Together with other Imps however, it becomes very strong. You can pair it up with ANY imp and it would work great, some better than others of course.

He works better in an Imp deck where you are using a lot of imps to rush your opponent and take out anything in their path, since Deadly automatically defeats a plant if the attack hits, regardless of HP, unless it has armored and doesnt take damage from said armored effect.

It works wonders with Impfinity, as he has the most Imps out of all Zombie Heroes. 

To counter it, you can use any damaging trick or superpower to defeat it, but be careful if it is placed in a water lane, as if you dont have any counters, it can easily overwhelm you with all the other Imps that will follow after it.

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