domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Freeze Rose!

Rose is the queen of flowers, but also the queen of freeze! Heres the very popular Freeze Rose!

With this deck you will boost up Snowdrop, while getting a card advantage with Mayflower. Control with Sportacus, Brainana and Whack-A-Zombie, and end the game with The Great Zucchini and Cornucopia!

X4 Iceberg Lettuce: A main freeze. Great for removal with Winter Squash.

X4 Morning Glory: Great turn 1 opening and small removal later on.

X4 Snowdrop: The star of the deck. Using all your freezing cards, it will grow very quickly.

X1 Sow Magic Beans: The plants it gives give out a Card advantage and good for removing 4 health or less zombies.

X4 2nd Best Taco of All Time: Gives a card advantage and healing.

X4 Chilly Pepper: Will be another of your main freeze tools. Bounce them back with Rescue Radish.

X2 Mayflower: Will give a card advantage and can give out useful cards as well.

X2 Rescue Radish: Will bounce back Chilly Pepper, Brainana, or The Great Zucchini.

X2 Sportacus: Great to control the opponent of playing tricks.

X2 Whack-A-Zombie: Will remove any annoying 3 or less attack cards.

X2 Winter Squash: Hard removal paired with a freeze.

X4 Jolly Holly: A big freeze tool. Its recommended to leave lanes 2 and 4 empty to get the best use out of it.

X2 Brainana: Can be a possible game ender if used correctly.

X2 The Great Zucchini: Late game finisher and will get rid of any dangerous cards.

X1 Cornucopia: Your big finally, and finisher.

Our final Zombie hero is the queen of the sea... Neptuna!               

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