sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Pineclone Aggro Nightcap!

As the single player campaign says, Nightcap likes his games quick and fast. Most decks are aggro based, but some are more Control based. This deck used Mushrooms and Pineclone to devastate the opponent by overwhelming!

This game starts aggro, and stays aggro for the rest of the game. Place all of your shrooms and Team-Up plants, and once you have 2 or more plants, its Pineclone time! Jumping Bean bounces any dangerous or buffed up zombie, and Grapes Of Wrath finishes the hero up in case your Pineclones dont win you the game.

X2 Poison Mushroom: A great turn 1 starter. Will help to set up Pineclone later or block a big threat.

X2 Shellery: An amazing Team-Up card that can take out any zombie with 2 health or less early on, and be a great plant to transform.

X4 Shroom For Two: A great card to transform into Pineclone. Its just amazing at almost anything.

X4 Berry Blast: Great removal card early on, and possible finisher.

X4 Buff Shroom: Great for buffing all your Shrooms.

X4 Wild Berry: Great damage dealer early on, and also to transform into Pineclone.

X4 Punish Shroom: As the name says, it will "Punish" your opponent for defeating all your mushrooms. It can be used to control Crazy heroes on turn 4 if you have alot of Shrooms on the board.

X4 Rescue Radish: Can return cards like Shroom For Two, Pineclone, Jumping Bean, Buff Shroom, or Bean Counter to re-use their effects.

X2 Bean Counter: The Weenie Beenies it provides can be transformed into Pineclone.

X4 Pineclone: Will transform all of our plants on the board. Amazing, but should only be used with 2 or more plants on the board, which is easy to do.

X2 Jumping Bean: Will bounce any buffed or dangerous zombie back. 

X4 Grapes Of Wrath: Big finisher in case your Pineclones didnt finish the zombie hero yet, and great control card as well.

One major weakness of this deck is... Weed Spray. Be really careful and play your card correctly to avoid Weed Spray.

Our next hero is the big imp with a big metallic body... Z-Mech!


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