martes, 11 de abril de 2017

PvZH Update Rundown! (1.14.13)

A new PvZH update has been released! Lets see what was added or changed.

  • SNAKE GRASS! Snake Grass is this weeks event card. We will check it out later on in our Event Card Analysis. 
 Snake GrassH
  •  SPRINGENING THEME! I wish it was added last week, but better late than never right?

  • DAILY CHALLENGES! If you play PVZ 2, this may sound familiar. You play a battle every day, whether to test Event Cards or to complete an awesome puzzle! You earn tickets by completing them, and the more you win, the bigger the rewards! This 1st one is about Health-Nut! I love it :3

Blooming HeartH
  •  RARITY CHANGE... Some basic cards are now Uncommons, while some are now Rares. Basic packs have been removed, as well Hero Coins.

 Did you enjoy the changes? Thanks for reading!

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