domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: ZombieDestroyer´s Solar Flare Strikethrough Midrange Deck!

Solar Flare´s place in the Meta revolves around how versatile you can play her. Mushroom, Aggro, Mid Range, Control, Pineclone and Strikethrough are some of the big examples here. This deck here is pretty easy to make, and only contains one legendary! Lets take a look at it.

X4 Morning Glory: Morning Glory is a great 1 drop, trading greatly in the early game, and being a great activator for the block and small removal mid-late game.

X4 Berry Blast: Will be used to remove any 3 health or less zombies or to weaken them. Can also be a finisher.

X2 Water Balloons: Small removal card.

X3 Wild Berry: A great damage dealer early game and good removal card when all ground lanes all are filled.

X2 2nd-Best Taco Of All Time: Will heal up the hero and be a card draw, which will give a card advantage.

X3 Whack-A-Zombie: Small removal card for any dangerous early game zombies.    

X2 Bloomerang: One of your main damage dealers with Strikethrough.

X1 Chomper: A quick removal card or to block a lane. Basically a 1 extra sun Whack-A-Zombie.

X2 Lawnmower: Hard Removal for any big threats.

X2 Sour Grapes: Will be a weak group removal against weak zombies, like Imps.

X2 Bluesberry: Both a hard and small removal card.

X4 Power Flower: Same use as Bloomerang, but should be kept alive for the extra healing.

X3 Squash: An amazing hard removal card. Use them wisely.

X1 Cherry Bomb: A great group removal card.

X1 Dandy Lion King: Will be one of your main finishers and damage dealers. The ability DOES fill the block meter, so use it when theres an empty block meter.

X2 Toadstool: Great removal and damage card. Will also generate extra sun if kept alive.

X2 Grapes Of Wrath: Your big finisher and counter to big threats. Its ability DOES fill the block meter as well, so use it wisely.

With this deck, you are looking to control the board early on, then get the Dandy Lion King and GOW to finish your opponent off. Strikethrough will be dealing most of the damage here as well.

Thats the deck! Its rather simple compared to, say a Pineclone Deck. Thanks for reading!

Next time, we will take a look at the Gargantuar fanatic of fanatics, and fan of being strong.


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