domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

PvZH Card Of The Week: Smelly Zombie

Smelly ZombieH 


Smelly Zombie is a 3 brain cost, 2 attack, 4 health, Garbage Zombie with the Gravestone and Deadly Traits, and it has no abilities.

Smelly Zombie can be considered the most "standard", yet more useful variant of the Deadly zombies, due to him possessing useful qualities in terms of his strength, health, his Gravestone trait and his cost of 3 brains.

While he has 1 extra brain needed to be played compared to Toxic Waste Imp, this zombie is able to wall more damage himself, unlike the others. Smelly Zombie, if possible, may be more useful than Barrel Roller Zombie for the same reason, though he costs less brains when you need to use a Deadly zombie.

In most cases, due to his trait, Smelly Zombie is more suited in attacking fighters compared to heroes. To use this zombie well, use him on any powerful plant, such as Super-Phat Beets, Cornucopia, or any other plant that you may have trouble countering against, which you wish to quickly get rid of easily.

Thankfully, due to the fact that he has 2 strength, he is able to destroy Armored plants, these being Jugger-Nut, Tough Beets, and even Soul Patch. Speaking of Soul Patch, any successful hit to the plant hero with a Soul Patch will result in the Soul Patch redirecting the Deadly damage to itself, instantly destroying it.

As he comes out from a gravestone, the plant hero will not be able to counter this zombie entirely until the next turn, with the exception of Grave Buster, though the chances of the opposing hero having him all the time may not be common. If a powerful plant is placed on a different lane from where this zombie is, you may move him with Smoke Bomb or Carried Away. Giving healing tricks such as Camel Crossing or Vitamin Z may help this zombie to last longer.

His Gravestone trait also allows for some potential mix-ups for Super Brainz, and Impfinity, as they have plenty of Gravestone zombies that also cost 3 brains, and potentially serve as bait. For instance, the plant hero could suspect an Abracadaver or Exploding Imp from a gravestone, only to find out it was Smelly Zombie, essentially wasting their powerful plant.

Giving this Frenzy can be a good idea, since he will instantly kill any plant he attacks, allowing him to attack again. This can work well against Guardian heroes especially, as you can kill any Team-Up plant they put to protect an important fighter. Boosting his health can also be a good idea. Keep in mind though, only Brain Freeze or Neptuna can use this strategy.

This zombie may be dangerous especially if he is going to face a powerful plant of yours. Including the fact that he has a bulky amount of 4 health, while coming out from a gravestone. If you know that your opponent has a Smelly Zombie in their deck, take caution if they play a Gravestone zombie. If possible, use Grave Buster to get rid of him. When he has emerged, Freeze him, then use an offensive plant to kill him. If you are desperate to kill him, use Sizzle or Squash to aid you. Chomper's ability will make short work of this zombie.

viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Deck Friday: Amphibious Citron!

Let me be honest here: I HATE Citron.

But being my X10 hero, and needing the Health-Nuts for an Upgraded Nutty Control Wall-Knight, i needed a good deck for Citron to use to win me tickets.
My other X10 hero was Neptuna, but i dont have Neptuna nor the gems for the hero pack, so yeah...

I came up with this Amphibious Citron deck, which uses Navy Bean and alot of Amphibious plants to boost them up and overwhelm!

X4 Spyris: Good turn 1 play and trades well early on, but will mainly help make good trades later on against Gravestones.

X4 Sting Bean: Great turn 1 pressure tool and amazing once boosted. That Bullseye damage is annoying guys!

X3 Grave Buster: Great Gravestone removal later on. Dont use it on turn 2 unless the zombie under the grave can hurt your strategy.

X3 Sea Shroom: Great pressure tool and makes good trades, also amazing once boosted.

X3 Cattail: Helps out against annoying or strong water zombies or to deal big damage.

X4 Mayflower: Card draw, Card Advantage, and pressure tool. An amazing all around 3 sun plant. Consider leaving the water lane empty for this guy.

X4 Pear Cub: Helps at making trades and puts a strong 5/4 on the board, which helps as removal and can be boosted with Navy Bean.

X2 Shamrocket: Big, high attack zombie removal. Can be replaced for Spring Bean if needed.

X1 Spring Bean: Bounces a dangerous or overly boosted zombie back. Can also open up a lane to win the game or get card draw (thru Mayflower)

X3 Guacodile: Damage dealer and removal. Great all around card.

X4 Navy Bean: Can block a plant, trade well with zombies, and of course, boost all the amphibious plants on the board. Consider placing it in front of a Mayflower or when you have 2 or more Amphibious plants.

X4 Snake Grass: Great damage dealer, pressure tool, and can be boosted with Navy Bean. Use with caution.

X1 Brainana: Trades well and can finish the game if needed. REMOVE ANYTHING for more Brainana if you want.

This deck is weak to Weed Spray, and you really need to think what to do, or what cards your opponent may use if they pass a turn (like turn 4 on a Crazy class Zombie Hero), but its overall a good deck.


jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: What could change with Set 2 Cards?

Time for the big finale! This time we will look at any potential changes with the upcoming Set 2 cards.


Set 2 is going to bring big changes to PvZH. One of those being Environments.

Environments can be placed on the ground lanes and give plants or zombies a buff or special effect, like extra stats or card draw. These can completely change the tide of the game, like giving a plant +5/+5! Its quite crazy and very cool.

Alot of the cards will also be quite a game changer, like the Crazy card "Final Mission", where you destroy a zombie and you do 4 damage to a plant. It can help out OTK Valkyrie decks in a big way while giving some removal.

The Cosmic plants and zombies also give a big change to almost all decks, like Cosmic Nut, which draws you a random Nut plant and it gets 3 attack. All other Cosmic plants and Zombies follow this formula: Draw a random X tribe card, it gets X effect or X attack or health boost.

Cosmic NutH  

Cards like Dark Matter DragonFruit and Supernova Gargantuar will be big finishers, while cards like Melon-Pult and Tactical Cuke will be great removal cards.

Overall, we cant really say much of the meta in the upcoming Set 2, but one thing is certain: Alot of decks are gonna get a big boost, while others will get more fun and awesome to play with.

Thanks everyone for coming along for our 1st Meta Week! We love you all and we hope to do one next year as well.

Tomorrow we return to our OG schedule. Thanks and Good Luck out there!

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Finally Part 1 (Recap)

Well... Thats all folks!
I guess this was more of a "Meta Month" than "Week" but hey, we will fix that next year.
Overall, it was fun looking at whats the most used as of now in the meta, and cant wait to see more! Heres a recap:

Green Shadow: Her main deck focus is on Peas or Freeze, or a combination of both with Beans added to the mix. She has some reliance on boosting plants to do the job, which can cause them to be weak to hard removal.

Super Brainz: Using Gravestone, Imps and Science to his advantage, his decks revolve around them, with super tricky Trickster Decks. 

Solar Flare: Aggro or Control? Maybe ill go mixed? Idk, either way, Solar Flare is one of the top-tier plant heroes, and for good reason.

The Smash: The master of gargantuars, he can be aggro and control in one same deck! Its crazy!

Ramp Gargantuar by GearBox: 

Wall-Knight: The nut master! He uses defenses, and with alot of control and removal card he can put the zombie hero into big trouble.

Control Wall-Knight by RAVI1989K: 

Impfinity: Zoo decks and aggro decks are his game, alongside overwhelming the plant hero!

Midrange Deadly Imps:

Chompzilla: Strikethrough or Healing? Either way they work!

Strikethrough Chompzilla by Tryhard: 

Rustbolt: Sports and science decks are his game. Gargantuars are also great with him.

Aggro Sports by Hellra´s: 

Spudow: Master of Pineclones and Aggro! He is THE SPUD.

Control Anti-Meta Spudow: 

Electric Boogaloo: Dancing and aggro are his styles of dancing, with Control included.

Control Boogaloo: 

Citron: While he is considered some of the weaker Heroes, he still has amazing strategies!

Nutty Beans Citron: 

Prof. Brainstorm: The master of P2W, and with so many fun decks!

OTK Valkyrie deck by TryHard: 

Grass Knuckles: Defend and Boost is what he does, alongside some tempo and curve.

Beets & Nuts Grass Knuckles: 

Inmorticia: With a big bag of tricks up her sleeves, she can deal with alot of situations!

Inmorticia Trickster Control Deck: 

Nightcap: Just like the single player campaign says, he likes quick games.

Pineclone Aggro Deck: 

Z-Mech: The WORST Hero, but can pull off some very cool combinations of zombies and tricks which others cant do.

Valkyrie Deck: 

Rose: Rose is the queen of flowers, and she uses them to her advantage!

Freeze Rose: 

Neptuna: Queen of the seas, keeping her zombies alive thru HP boosts or thru Gravestones.

Gravestone Neptuna: 

Cpt. Combustible: Boosting up plants to extreme attack, he can pull off some very early wins.

Combo Combustible:  

Next time we will see what could change in the upcoming set 2 in the meta!


martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Combo Combustible!

Captain Combustible is well known for doing damage while boosting his plants to do said job. One of his most used cards is Re-Peat Moss, and this is a whole deck dedicated to him made by Tryhard!

Re-Peat moss is put to great use here! Start by boosting up plants and adding pressure, then come in with Re-Peat Moss and start boosting him up! Every trick you play will make him do a bonus attack, and with Blazing Bark we can set up a lethal set up. Its so fun and insanely dangerous!

This deck mainly relies on a bunch of combos, which ill leave in the guide made by Tryhard.

X4 Bonk Choy: Early removal and great for starting combos.

X4 Berry Blast: Removal, control and combo starter.

X4 Black-Eyed Pea: Will prevent the opponent from playing too many tricks.

X4 Fire Peashooter: Removal and good finisher if boosted up.

X2 Wild Berry: Big damage dealer and pressure tool.

X2 Fertilize: Great to boost up any plant, mainly Re-Peat Moss.

X3 Grow Shroom: Boosts up any plant, acting like an Embiggen, and can block a lane from damage if needed.

X3 Poison Ivy: Pressure tool and damage dealer.

X3 Bananasaurus Rex: Great for finishing the game if boosted up.

X2 Plant Food: A more expensive Time To Shine, but with a +1/+1. Use it to remove something to get lethal that turn.         

X4 Re-Peat Moss: Combo Starter and damage dealer. Will end the game most of the time once its boosted up quite alot.

X2 Sour Grapes: Small removal and can block a lane.

X1 Espresso Fiesta: Finisher.

Well guys! That is all! Stay tuned for the recap!

Event Card Analysis: Health-Nut


Health-Nut is a 3 sun cost, 4 health no attack, Nut Plant and with no traits. His ability makes it do damage depending on how much health it has.

Lets get this outta the way: IT DOES DIE TO WEED SPRAY AND ROLLING STONE.
I wish Popcap would make it so that wouldnt be the case, but for now we must deal with it.

Having 4 health, it does 4 damage, and say if it gets hit for 1 damage, it will do 3 damage. Ya get it?

Its a great turn 3 removal card, and more if its health is boosted. If your hero has Bubble-Up, you can wait till turn 4, play it and use Bubble-Up on an empty lane, and it will do 7 damage! Its a great snipe on turn 3 as well.

Of course, it can easily be removed, and if it keeps getting hurt it will do less and less damage, so boosting its health is a must.

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Gravestone Neptuna!

Neptuna has gotten a bit popular nowdays. Having alot of fun decks, but also having effective decks. This deck isnt only cheap, but effective!

Start out with Headstone Carver and boost up all your gravestone zombies! Remove any small plants with Weed Spray, while you boost up all the zombies health with Camel Crossing. Later on, Mix up all the graves with Mixed-Up Gravedigger, and Boost up with Monster Mash and surprise the plant hero with Surprise Gargantuar to finish the game.

X2 Camel Crossing: Boosts up the health of all our zombies.

X4 Headstone Carver: Best used on turn 1. Most things cant destroy him on 1 turn, except for superpowers, which is a good trade. Will boost all the attack and health of our gravestones.

X1 Rolling Stone: Will defeat any annoying 2 attack or less plant.

X4 Sumo Wrestler: Great for moving plants around and as a wall.

X4 Swashbuckler Zombie: Great as a turn 2 play with a Headstone Carver.

X2 Toxic Waste Imp: Main play on the water and can be used to be transformed into a KOTLD

X4 Landscaper: Great for creating dead lanes or to make a powerful plant less threathing.

X4 Smelly Zombie: Will defeat any wall or dangerous plant if it hits.

X3 Weed Spray: Defeats any 2 or less attack plant. Great value if used correctly.

X4 Pogo Bouncer: Bounces any boosted or dangerous plant.

X1 Zombie King: Transforms a zombie into a Knight Of The Living Dead, which is very useful and can be a treat on the board.

X2 Mixed-Up Gravedigger: Allows the re-usal of abilities like Pogo bouncer, Sumo Wrestler, Landscaper or to simply heal up damage.

X1 Monster Mash: Boosts up all zombies, transforming them into moderate threats.

X4 Surprise Gargantuar: Finisher and damage dealer. Removal as well.

Our final plant hero is the lord of damage... Captain Combustible!             

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Meta Week: Freeze Rose!

Rose is the queen of flowers, but also the queen of freeze! Heres the very popular Freeze Rose!

With this deck you will boost up Snowdrop, while getting a card advantage with Mayflower. Control with Sportacus, Brainana and Whack-A-Zombie, and end the game with The Great Zucchini and Cornucopia!

X4 Iceberg Lettuce: A main freeze. Great for removal with Winter Squash.

X4 Morning Glory: Great turn 1 opening and small removal later on.

X4 Snowdrop: The star of the deck. Using all your freezing cards, it will grow very quickly.

X1 Sow Magic Beans: The plants it gives give out a Card advantage and good for removing 4 health or less zombies.

X4 2nd Best Taco of All Time: Gives a card advantage and healing.

X4 Chilly Pepper: Will be another of your main freeze tools. Bounce them back with Rescue Radish.

X2 Mayflower: Will give a card advantage and can give out useful cards as well.

X2 Rescue Radish: Will bounce back Chilly Pepper, Brainana, or The Great Zucchini.

X2 Sportacus: Great to control the opponent of playing tricks.

X2 Whack-A-Zombie: Will remove any annoying 3 or less attack cards.

X2 Winter Squash: Hard removal paired with a freeze.

X4 Jolly Holly: A big freeze tool. Its recommended to leave lanes 2 and 4 empty to get the best use out of it.

X2 Brainana: Can be a possible game ender if used correctly.

X2 The Great Zucchini: Late game finisher and will get rid of any dangerous cards.

X1 Cornucopia: Your big finally, and finisher.

Our final Zombie hero is the queen of the sea... Neptuna!