domingo, 11 de junio de 2017

Lets Talk! Galactic Gardens Set 1 changes

With Galactic Gardens came a butt-ton of changes to existing cards. Lets see how they will affect the game.

1st, heres a list of them:

Z-Mech: Missile Madness now does 3 damage to a plant and 1 to all other plants. He also has Electrobolt now instead of Dance-Off.
Prof. Brainstorm: Now has Dance-Off instead of Electrobolt.
Citron and Rose: Transmogrify now transforms a zombie into a random one that costs 1 brain.
Wall-Knight and Spudow: Bubble-Up now gives +4 HP instead of +3.
Bananasaurus RexGained Doublestrike trait
Brainana Drains 99999999 Brains max.
Dog Walker Hunt Trait added
Garlic Root plant
Grave Buster Root Vine Trick
Loudmouth Dancing Imp Zombie
Mad Chemist When you play your first Trick each turn, Conjure a Trick.
Mayflower When this hurts the Zombie Hero, Conjure a Corn, Squash or Bean.
Mini-Ninja Professional Imp Zombie
Mixed-Up Gravedigger Will not instantly trigger his effect when played on a Graveyard.
Poison Oak Leafy Tree Plant
Repeater Gained DoubleStrike
Soul Patch Flower Root Plant
Sow Magic Beans Shuffle four Magic Beanstalks into your deck.
Spyris Flower Root Plant
Trick-or-Treater When you play your first Trick each turn, Conjure a Treat.
Vitamin Z Gourmet Trick
Whipvine Root Vine Plant
The big Z-Mech Change.

Z-mech has gotten a big buff, where his super now does 3 damage to a plant of your choosing, and 1 damage to all other plants in the board. Z-Mech´s power now counters Zoo decks, like the infamous Shroom-For-Two and Pineclone, alongside the now rising Mushroom Grotto. His power also allows him to take out a powerful plant with 3 health or less, which is very good.

He also finally got Electrobolt, which is basically his Superpower but without the splash damage. Very nice buff to an underused and overshadowed hero. This alongside all the new hearty and crazy cards will make Z-mech much better than before, and while he will still has his dreaded no hard removal potential, he will now be known for Small and Group removal.

Prof. Brainstorm nerf (or buff?)
And now for the big change that everyone was sad about: Prof. Brainstorm now has Dance-Off instead of Electrobolt.
While it is sad that he lost one of the best ways to get rid of plants easily and effectively, this may not be so bad, and its because of the rise of OTK Valkyrie decks. With these new dancers added to the mix you can potentially get Valkyrie to be 4/6 if you play Dance Off on turn 2 of 3, and if you have Valkyrie in your starting hand. Dancing Storm will also be a little more effective thanks to it. Brainstorms powers were always ment for conjuring and card draw, so its good to see a power like this to emphasize that.

Transmogrify buff and nerf!
Transmogrify got a well deserved nerf, where now it transforms the zombie into a 1 cost zombie. It was a 2 or less zombie, which is good for dangerous 1 cost zombies, as it could give the enemy a better zombie. This solves that problem and is a nerf to the zombies and a buff to the plants!

More bubbles!
Bubble-Up now gives +4 Health instead of +3! A very good buff and makes plants live much longer thanks to it.
The big trait and tribe changes
So many cards got their tribe and trait changed. Cards like Bananasaurus and Dog Walker got Double-Strike and Hunt, which are their respective abilities from before but now as a trait. Some like Loudmouth got a tribe change, which will help them fit in more decks or to help out a card, like Roots.

Alongside these, some interactions with cards were changed, like Brainana.

Overall, all these changes really do change the game very well. Underused heroes will become more popular, while others will be a bit better with new cards and tribe changes.
What do yall think? Tell us below!


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