martes, 27 de junio de 2017

Event Card Analysis: Synchronized Swimmer

Synchronized SwimmerH
Synchronized Swimmer is an event zombie card in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, and a member of the Beastly class. She costs 2 to play, and has 2/2. She has the Amphibious trait, and her ability makes her copy the strength and health of another Zombie on the field. 

Synchronized Swimmer has good stats for a zombie that costs 2, but what makes her really great is her ability to copy the strength and health of any other zombie in play. She also has the Amphibious trait, and thus you can play her on the aquatic lane, where the defenses are typically weak. Still, avoid playing her if your only zombies are weaker than her base stats. This will only weaken her and make her less of a threat for your opponent.

She is mainly useful when you have a very strong zombie on the field, as she can copy the strength and health of that zombie, which can potentially make her devastating. This is especially true if you play her on a aquatic lane, as then she will both be strong and hard to take out. One thing to keep in mind is that she cannot copy traits of a zombie, just their strength and health.

Another thing to know is that Synchronized Swimmer is both a dancing zombie and a sports zombie. Electric Boogaloo can make use of her dancing tribe to his advantage. Her Amphibious trait allows him to fill the aquatic lane with a dancing zombie, after which he can play Flamenco Zombie to do up to 10 damage to the plant hero (20 if Binary Stars are also in play). She also synergizes with Aerobics Instructor, which will continuously boost her strength at the start of each turn.

The Smash, on the other hand, can use her in his sports synergy decks. Team Mascot and Zombie Coach can apply pressure by boosting Synchronized Swimmer's stats and making her invulnerable to damage, respectively, potentially turning her into an absolute nuisance to the opposition.

Overshoot Swimmer
"Look! I have Overshoot! How fun. NOW DIE"

This zombie can be potentially dangerous. To deal with her, simply Bounce her, as her stats will be reset. You can also destroy all the stronger zombies first so that the zombie hero is forced to copy the stats of a weaker zombie. If you cannot Bounce her, use instant-kill tricks such as Squash and Doom-Shroom to destroy her and for the latter, the stronger zombies too.

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