viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

PvZHC: Summer Fest changes and plans.

So summer wat up?

If you came here yesterday you may have noticed the changes done to the design of the blog. This is our Summer Fest design and we will soon start covering all about Set 2 and the Season Reset coming June 19th (According to the Reddit)
If ya wanna send me a PM, look for "Plants10000", which is my User for Reddit. You can also add me as "Dan10000" on PvZ Heroes.

Alongside all of our upcoming coverage, we will also later on release a full encyclopedia filled with Decks that we both have covered here and liked from Set 1. You can expect a download link very soon, and a release of Late June/Early July. 

We also did general rearrangements and added a new series for Wednesdays, called "Meta Look", where we see a genereal or specific aspect of the meta from PvZH.

Thanks guys!

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