domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Deck Fridays: Aggro Brain Freeze by Me!

Lets admit it. Brain Freeze has been one of the least used heroes in PvZH. He has some cool combos and strategies, and thats what im here to showcase.
Using the latest Imposter, alongside Secret Agent and others, im here to showcase my Aggro Brain Freeze Deck.

This deck focuses early on with Imps, which flood the board and draw you cards, and boosting up in the mid and late game using Loudmouth and Secret Agent to overwhelm and defeat the opponent! Bouncing and Mixed Up Gravedigger keeps control of the board too.

X4 Imposter: Card draw with Imp Commander, and its basically a free 2 attack hit and can trade well against most early game plants.

X4 Nibble: Removal and small healing.

X4 Secret Agent: Amazing boosting, and gives a huge tempo boost. Use it with zombies that can be big threats, like Snorkel Zombie, Energy Drink Zombie, Vimpire, or useful abilities like Pogo Bouncer.

X2 Snorkel Zombie: Water lane pressure and great candidate for Secret Agent.

X4 Energy Drink Zombie: Another incredible Secret Agent candidate and big damage dealer. Can be replaced with Line Dancing Zombie if you dont have all 4 copies.

X4 Toxic Waste Imp: Gives all imps deadly to easily remove plants, and another good candidate for Secret Agent.

X4 Imp Commander: Card draw and card advantage.

X3 Loudmouth: Boosts up any weak zombie to make them do more damage or live.

X2 Vimpire: Sometimes finisher when boosted up and kept alive correctly. Can be replaced.

X4 Pogo Bouncer: Bounces boosted or dangerous plants.

X3 Mixed-Up Gravedigger: Reuses the abilities of Pogo and Loudmouth, and can heal up any damage, at the cost of removing buffs.

X2 Surprise Gargantuar: Finisher or destroyer of weak or dangerous plants.

Thanks for reading! See yall later!            

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