jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

100 Visits!

It hasnt even been a week since we started and we already got 100 visits! Thanks everyone! We love you all <3

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Time Travel Wednesday: Upcoming card changes!

This post contains upcoming content or changes. If you dont want to be spoiled, please, leave inmeaditely until the content is released. Otherwise, continue reading!

So you may remember yesterday we shouted out a new ad appearing sometimes, saying that Hero Coins will be disappearing, and to use them on Premium Packs as soon as possible. Today we are revealing and talk about why: Rarity Changes!

A new Season 2, which is simply a bunch of new cards added, will release sometime this year. Many people expected this to happen when Season 2 arrived, but with this ad running around, we can assume it will come pretty soon. Some say as early as April, where a new big content update may happen.

Heres a list of the card changes. This was taken from here: http://plantsvszombies.wikia.com/wiki/Plants_vs._Zombies_Heroes/Upcoming_content 

Potato Mine (Common --> Uncommon)
Cactus (Common --> Uncommon)
Gardening Gloves (Common --> Uncommon)
Grave Buster (Uncommon --> Rare)
Pea-Nut (Common --> Uncommon)
Guacodile (Uncommon --> Rare)
Smackadamia (Common --> Uncommon)
Shroom for Two (Common --> Rare)
Berry Angry (Common --> Uncommon)
Poison Ivy (Common --> Uncommon)
Pair of Pears (Common --> Uncommon)
Sour Grapes (Common --> Rare)
Party Thyme (Uncommon --> Rare)
Pea Pod (Common --> Uncommon)
Fire Peashooter (Common --> Uncommon)
Re-Peat Moss (Common --> Rare)
Admiral Navy Bean (Common --> Rare)
Spring Bean (Common --> Uncommon)
Vanilla (Common --> Uncommon)
Carrotillery (Common --> Uncommon)
Navy Bean (Uncommon --> Rare)
Pepper M.D. (Common --> Uncommon)
Sage Sage (Uncommon --> Rare)
Water Balloons (Common --> Uncommon)
Venus Flytrap (Common --> Uncommon)
Bloomerang (Common --> Uncommon)
Power Flower (Common --> Rare)
Dog Walker (Common --> Uncommon)
Nibble (Common --> Uncommon)
Yeti Lunchbox (Common --> Uncommon)
Loudmouth (Common --> Uncommon)
Vitamin Z (Uncommon --> Rare)
Kangaroo Rider (Uncommon --> Rare)
Smashing Gargantuar (Common --> Uncommon)
Chimney Sweep (Common --> Uncommon)
Cell Phone Zombie (Common --> Uncommon)
Pool Shark (Common --> Uncommon)
Zombot Drone Engineer (Common --> Uncommon)
Electrician (Uncommon --> Rare)
Rocket Science (Uncommon --> Rare)
Hail-a-Copter (Common --> Uncommon)
Tennis Champ (Common --> Uncommon)
Newspaper Zombie (Common --> Uncommon)
Orchestra Conductor (Common --> Uncommon)
The Chickening (Common --> Rare)
Imp-Throwing Gargantuar (Common --> Rare)
Camel Crossing (Common --> Uncommon)
Flag Zombie (Common --> Uncommon)
Sumo Wrestler (Common --> Uncommon)
Landscaper (Uncommon --> Rare)
Knight of the Living Dead (Common --> Rare)
Headstone Carver (Common --> Uncommon)
Hot Dog Imp (Common --> Uncommon)
Swashbuckler Zombie (Common --> Uncommon)
Backyard Bounce (Common --> Uncommon)
Imp Commander (Common --> Rare)
Pogo Bouncer (Uncommon --> Rare)

Also, all of these cards, plus maybe some more, will be bought with "Gold Coins", which i assume is a new type of currency replacing Hero Coins.

I honestly feel sorry for newer players coming into the game, as they may either have no time to get them, or be forced to play alot to get them. Im thinking it could get introduced when Season 2 comes out, as by then we will have more cards to replace these in some sort of Basic Set.

What do you all think? Do YOU like these changes?
Good Luck on the Battlefield!



PSA: Spyris bug WASNT fixed!

Reddit user GiantShyGuy shared this image. It shows that the Spyris bug that was standing before release wasnt fixed! Heres the image:
Why is this a thing?

If you didnt knew it existed, its a bug where after destroying Spyris, her ability wont go away. Its intended to disappear after defeated, but this bug clearly shows it doesnt.

To abuse Land!
Im just kidding :P

martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

Event Card Analysis Tuesday: Spyris

Ill let Reddit user WDTBot explain the backstory behind this :P

"Sneaky Heroes such as Super Brainz, Impfinity, and Neptuna enjoy playing mind tricks with a powerful tool known as Gravestones. Usually, heroes place a zombie and plants then build a strategy on how to effectively remove that zombie. However, Gravestones hide a zombie until after the plants turn, causing plants to either block what could be a non-issue or completely miss out on a legitimate threat.
Spyris is here to put an end to all the guessing games. At a low, low cost of 1 sun, this plant can be placed on the water lane, safe from most dangers, and allow plants to look behind the Headstone and see what dangers are hidden behind. When coupled with Citron, Spyris can also help determine if it's worth to use a Gravebuster or save them for a later threat. Pair it with Rose, and you have yourself a flower deck with Briar rose acting as bodyguard."


Spyris is a 1 sun cost, 2 attack 1 health Smarty tribe Flower plant. It has the Amphibious trait, and it has an ability where you can tap on Gravestones to reveal their contents.

To start, it has weak stats, but it works wonders with a Flower deck with Rose, as it can be used to easily defeat a tough zombie with Briar Rose. Having the Amphibious trait helps it stay protected from most threats, but its not recommended to play it on turn 1. Its better to wait till turn 4 or 5 where more gravestone zombies can come.

With 2 attack, it can defeat most threats in the water, at the cost of it also dying.

Its also useful in Freeze decks, letting you know what to freeze next turn or what to use your other removal cards on.

Overall, Spyris is a great card with a good ability. It certainly boosted the power of Flower decks, and made others much better in making countering Gravestones easier.

It will take 1,200 tickets for each copy, so start going!

Good Luck!

PSA: Coins Are Disappearing!

This just in! A reddit user by the name of DUKEPLANTER posted this stunning ad:
Just like a magic trick!

Coins are disappearing! We will talk more about this tommorrow, so stay tuned!

lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

Deck Monday: Control-Nutty Wall-Knight

Here we go with one very good, potentially insane deck if used in the right hands: Control Wall Knight! I have been using this deck since i got 4 Shamrockets, and it doesnt disapoint. Lets get more in depth of this deck!

This deck is "NUTS" ;D
Heres the decklist. Ill explain every card in detail, their use, and possible replacements if you dont have the cards.

X4 Wall-Nut: Excellent wall early on, and great with Mirror-Nut. You can also boost their Health with Smackadamia, or use them with Mixed Nuts. They have almost unlimited use!

X4 Grave Buster: Your 1st removal card. It will help against any gravestone, though make sure to use it on big gravestone zombies, like Rodeo Gargantuar, or gravestone zombies that may thread your defense, like Smelly Zombie.

X2 Water Balloons: Excellent at weakening any foe. Destroying most early game zombies, or putting them at really low health. Useful on big hitters to reduce their damage, or nullify them completely by defeating them with your nuts or Grizzly Pears. It can be replaced with quite alot if you want a different styled deck, like another Lawnmower, Mirror-Nut, or maybe Jugger-nut.

X4 Water Chestnut: Amazing tank which can withstand alot of big hitters. It can save your life pretty well and defend your heavy hitters. Can of course also be used just like a Wall-Nut, but with more health.

X4 Mixed-Nuts: One of the 3 heavy hitters in the deck. You will use it to defeat any high hp foe, and can really save you in a pinch. Also gets the benefits of Mirror-Nut and Smackadamia.

X4 Pear Cub: Hands down your best control/heavy hitter card. With the Amphibious trait, it can defend pretty well against any aquatic foe, and later return the favor by being a great attacker and defender. Dont understimate this little pear, because it can be quite the amazing life saver as well. You can replace it with most of the stuff said in the Water Balloons area, and much more.

X4 Shamrocket: This is pretty much like Rocket Science. You can use it the same way as you would with the zombies. This will take out any big foe with no questions asked, and can probably win you the game, or make you survive for one more turn. Can be replaced with more Lawnmowers, Water Balloons, etc. You can take a look at our analysis of Shamrocket by clicking here.

X3 Spineapple: Wait? Spineapple?! Well yes! This will help you and your nuts (im sorry) get tougher (im sorry again) and take out alot of big threats, or weaken them easily. Couple this with all of our nut cards who have high health, and Mirror-Nut dashing out damage to your opponent, and Smackadamia boosting them all, and you got your opponent in a problem. Be careful of WeedSpray however!
X4 Whack-A-Zombie: Your #1 card at taking out anything early on. This will help out take annoying cards, like Jester, Disco Zombie, or more, or take out any zombie who may help your opponents strategy, like Toxic Waste Imp or Drone Engineer Zombie.

X2 Lawnmower: Your #1 card at taking out ANYTHING on the ground. Its a versatile Shamrocket which can be used to take out any threat in case you dont have Shamrocket in your hand, but only to Ground lanes. Squash can work as well, at the cost of 1 extra sun cost.

X3 Mirror-Nut: Mirror-Nut will be used as another main damage dealer, and as a pressure tool. You can also use it to block any hard hitter with 6 attack or more, giving you 1 extra turn incase that turn was your end, though be careful of Frenzy.

X2 Smackadamia: Both a great damage dealer and buffer. You can use it on Aquatic lanes to put your opponent on a big threat which will need to be taken out, or use it to just damage something hard. It should mainly be used however to boost the health of your nuts (the innuendo in this is already too much...).

Simply put: This deck focuses on defeating almost anything that your opponent places on you, while attacking with Mirror-Nut and your other nuts. Its simple but fun!

One MAJOR weakness however, is Zombot-1000 and Weed Spray. Zombot-1000 wont have to be much of a worry, since its kinda rare to find one, but when you are fighting a Hearty hero, be careful of weed spray, as it can mess your set up badly and possibly lose you the game.

And thats it for this weeks Deck Monday! Do you like the deck? Let us know! And make sure to try it out!

Good Luck Out There!


domingo, 26 de marzo de 2017

Event Card Analysis: Shamrocket

Rocket Science! Now with a better animation!
Yet another series we will be doing! This one will be every Tuesday, but we will do an exception today to analyze one of the most interesting Event cards so far: Shamrocket.

Shamrocket is a 3 sun cost, Guardian Tribe, Leafy Trick which destroys a Zombie with 4 attack or more. Its pretty much the plant counterpart of Rocket Science, which does the same thing, but for Zombies. The big difference however is that it cant be used during the Zombie Tricks Phase, which means you may need to take a hit one turn, and destroy the zombie next turn. 

Any sort of strategy with Rocket Science will work with this. This works greatly with Control decks, and makes one of the few feared plants possibly the most feared of them all: Wall-Knight

Wall-Knight can use Grave Buster to defeat any sort of gravestone, Whack-A-Zombie to defeat any 3 attack or less zombie, like Jester, Gravestone Carver, etc, Shamrocket to defeat big, bulky zombies, like ANY gargantuar, and Squash or Lawnmower to defeat ANYONE without any exceptions. A Wall-Knight deck can use these incredibly well and defeat any and all zombies, putting the Zombie Hero into trouble. Couple this with more control cards, like Pear Cub, and you just placed the Zombie Hero in alot of trouble. 

Other heros use it just as great, like Citron, who can use some sort of Freeze or Bean deck and get rid of any zombies who may defeat his big attackers. Or Spudow, which while hes more aggresive than control, can defeat a zombie and open the way for a big attacker, possibly winning the game.

While there arent many ways to counter this, you can spread your buffs around zombies, thus the Plant hero will need to choose to who defeat with Shamrocket. Any counter used with Rocket Science also works for Shamrocket. You can also play some Gravestone zombies, as it will prevent this, but not Grave buster.

Overall, Shamrocket gives the Guardian Tribe alot of ways to counter their biggest threat until now: Heavy hitters. While some heros can use it better than others, it definitely will change the game big way, and will pave the way to more Control Guardian Decks.

PvZH Weekly Reminders #1 (20-03-2017/26-03-2017)

With another week almost over, here are some of the reminders/things to do
  • Get Shamrocket before it disappears
  • If you want it, get the Luck O The Zombie pack/bundle
  • If you want it, get the Early Access Lilly Of The Valley pack/bundle 


Make sure to get Shamrocket! Its a really good card for the Guardian Tribe!


Pvz Heroes Card Of The Week: Cabbage Pult

He saved ya in those Roof levels early on.
So this is one of the many series we will have! Card of the week will check out a new card every week, and todays card of the week is Cabbage Pult!

Cabbage Pult is a 2 sun cost, 1 attack, 3 Health Basic Common Leafy Plant. Its from the Mega Grow tribe, whos really great at boosting plants and keeping them alive while doing great damage! Cabbage Pult is no exception. While it doesnt have any atributes, its ability gives it +1ATK/+1HP when played on the heights lane. While it seems like a worse version of Skyshooter, it has quite a bit of potential for the early game.

Cabbage Pult´s role can be said as an early game, but weaker Skyshooter. Its base stats makes it survive a lot of cards in the early game, and survive common tricks. When played on heights however, not only its attack increase, but so does its HP. With the extra HP, it can now survive much more threats, such as The Chickening, Zombot´s Wrath, Bungee Plumber etc.

You can use other boosting plants and tricks, like Grow-Shroom, to increase its stats, but if Skyshooter is being used in the deck, its better to boost that one than Cabbage Pult. 

To counter it, you can use small tricks like Rolling Stone or Weed Spray, but if its attack increases past 2, then other tricks like Rocket Science can work. If it get too "crazy" (ha ha), meaning it gets a lot of stats, then hard removal is your best bet. Locust Swarm or, again, Rocket Science can work. You can also bounce it, but it may be played again in the next turn on heights again.

Overall, Cabbage Pult can be seen as an early game Skyshooter. Its low sun cost makes it great early on, and with a decent HP stat, it can take out many zombies without being taken out. While it is outshined by Skyshooter, he can apply pressure early on, and make for a great early game removal card.

Welcome to Plants Vs. Zombies Heroes Central!

Welcome to our brand new blog, Plants Vs. Zombies Heroes Central!
Being our 1st entry on the blog, we should probably explain whats this blog about. Plain and simple! Its a blog talking about the TCG mobile phone game: Plants Vs. Zombies Heroes! We will be posting decks, strategy guides, beginner stuff, card info, upcoming content and so much more! We hope you like this new site!

With that being said, lets start this new ride!